County of Mercer Finance Department
2023 Budget By Department

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Department | 2022 Budget | 2023 Budget |
Commissioners | 568,488 | 604,984 |
Voter Registration | 352,661 | 397,789 |
Election | 277,826 | 264,952 |
Controller | 752,213 | 807,646 |
Fiscal | 399,353 | 419,569 |
Tax Assessment | 672,488 | 704,741 |
Tax Collectors | 409,635 | 409,635 |
Tax Claim | 455,837 | 489,246 |
Treasurer | 433,451 | 403,734 |
Purchasing | 13,850 | 13,850 |
Solicitor | 90,603 | 92,934 |
Public Defender | 1,335,356 | 1,406,730 |
Recorder | 442,982 | 466,552 |
Human Resources | 265,386 | 285,002 |
MIS | 503,522 | 629,738 |
Central Postage | 23,275 | 22,078 |
Maintenance | 946,012 | 949,111 |
Mntc - Archives | 9,500 | 9,500 |
Mntc - 107 N Diamond | 0 | 0 |
Archieves | 54,093 | 55,344 |
Central Telephone | 26,768 | 27,962 |
Central Copy | -32,500 | -32,500 |
Security | 88,000 | 88,000 |
Court Administration | 64,556 | 74,119 |
CCP | 1,559,848 | 1,575,888 |
Masters | 156,040 | 160,532 |
Veteran's Court | 49,243 | 66,215 |
DJ Sharon | 224,594 | 225,343 |
DJ Farrell | 341,398 | 334,771 |
DJ Mercer | 216,152 | 233,827 |
DJ Grove City | 214,376 | 229,242 |
DJ Greenville | 233,782 | 254,886 |
Law Library | 167,550 | 171,772 |
Clerk of Courts | 887,345 | 930,544 |
Constables | 128,500 | 128,500 |
Coroner | 238,610 | 251,915 |
District Attorney | 2,066,756 | 2,133,461 |
Prothonotary | 433,431 | 472,611 |
Sheriff | 1,618,923 | 1,695,718 |
Jail | 8,686,709 | 9,390,865 |
Jail - Out of County | 0 | 0 |
Jail - Covid | 0 | 0 |
JPO | 1,313,734 | 1,409,677 |
IPP | 840,312 | 849,003 |
IPP - DVIP | 34,245 | 33,633 |
Drug Court | 101,333 | 109,195 |
IPP - Covid | 0 | 0 |
IPP - House Arrest Covid | 0 | 0 |
Transitional Sevices | 30,110 | 30,110 |
EMA | 283,214 | 285,448 |
Veteran Affairs | 232,192 | 232,171 |
Soil Conservation | 541,708 | 626,238 |
Total of Department Operating Costs | 28,753,460 | 30,422,281 |
Total Appropriations | 4,801,028 | 5,810,638 |
Total Financial & Contingencies | 802,790 | 821,500 |
Total Costs and Expenses | 34,357,278 | 37,054,419 |